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Blessing Stories
The following stories are just a brief description of the most urgent and simplest needs that The Blessing Fund has been able to assist with the help of our generous donors.
Saved from the Wreckage
The Blessing Fund has helped numerous people with urgent small needs throughout the year but this one required "hands-on" community effort.
That ain't the half of it! That pile of clothes is just a glimpse of what God did for two little boys through The Blessing Fund. In August, Children's Aid Services pulled two little boys, who are brothers, from an abusive foster care environment. They were quickly moved to another foster home of a beautiful Christian family who took them on short notice. CAS said that there were no funds designated for August to send the new foster parents for the boy's care since it had already been issued to the prior foster parents. The Christian family, who became new foster parents, still had 3 weeks of groceries to cover with two extra growing boys, and preparation for school in September. The boys had so many needs. They came with only the clothes on their backs and no toys. Because of a plea through The Blessing Fund, there were generous donations. People who were local gave to help provide gently used clothing, toys, and food. The Blessing Fund also provided additional needs for the boys and $300 in grocery gift cards. This will help the family with their meals and getting things ready for the boys for school. Your giving makes a difference because these precious lives matter to Jesus. They have been through so much and have been separated from their sisters and baby brother for quite some time. Together, we get to be Jesus to those in need. Thank you for sharing and supporting the work of The Blessing Fund.
We are not a large charity with only a small regular donation revenue on a yearly basis, yet we make a big impact in the lives we touch. Your monthly support would make it possible for The Blessing Fund to efficiently help urgent needs as they arrive. Please consider becoming a monthly partner. Any amount is a blessing because working together is the best way to make a difference.
Unto the least of these . . . Matthew 25:40
Your gift is tax-deductible. Become a monthly partner or give a one time year-end gift. GET STARTED!
Your gift is tax-deductible. Become a monthly partner or give a one time year-end gift. GET STARTED!
A Family Reunited
All the way from Cameroon Africa, they wanted more safety and opportunity for their children. Suzie arrived in Ontario Canada in August 2022. She left behind 4 young children and her husband so that she could establish a new life for their family. The Blessing Fund has been involved from the moment we picked Suzie up at the airport that day. For many months, Suzie has worked hard and we have connected her with the community.
The Visas and everything the family needed to arrive in Canada were ready. On March 12, 2023, Suzie's husband and four children took a 26 hour flight to the Toronto Airport. We were able to escort Suzie to the Airport and meet her family. This was a beautiful reunion after they were separated for 6 months. View the video of their connecting at the airport.
The work involved before their arrival was immense. Suzie found an apartment suitable for their family, but they were starting with nothing. No furniture, Kitchen utensils, supplies, beds etc. The apartment was empty except for the dresser and bed and items that were donated through The Blessing Fund when she arrived last August/22. The Blessing Fund sent out an announcement through social media and several people came forward with furniture donations, linens and gift cards for the family. Everything that was provided, was quality, in excellent condition and we are so overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity that was shown to this family.
The Blessing Fund works from Project to Project, from "one need for assistance to the next". This is because there is often so much "hands on" work that has to be done. There was the rental of the moving truck and volunteers that took all day to pick up and move furniture into the apartment. Kitchen supplies and food, as well as expenses incurred for travel/gas. Also, multiple people with their vehicles were needed to transport their luggage (about 10 pieces) when they arrived in Ontario Canada. Several trips back and forth, we assured that they had what they need to be comfortable. In addition, they would need a Canadian wardrobe. Suzie's husband only arrived in a T-shirt at the airport. We had proper attire for him when he arrived at the airport. When we asked what they were grateful for, they had no words to express. When we asked what was so different about life now, the answer was, "We are grateful for lights. Sometimes we forget we have lights that we can turn on. but we are grateful that God used the Blessing Fund to make our children's future better."
View the pictures below of Suzie united with her children once again.
We are not a large charity with only a small regular donation revenue on a yearly basis, yet we make a big impact in the lives we touch. Your monthly support would make it possible for The Blessing Fund to efficiently help urgent needs as they arrive. Please consider becoming a monthly partner. Any amount is a blessing because working together is the best way to make a difference.
Unto the least of these . . . Matthew 25:40
Your gift is tax-deductible. Become a monthly partner or give a one time year-end gift. GET STARTED!
Your gift is tax-deductible. Become a monthly partner or give a one time year-end gift. GET STARTED!
Christmas 2022
For many months, a father of 3 children has been holding the house together alone when it was once a two income family. He has been struggling financially and received help from other sources however, his wife walked out with almost everything including the Christmas tree and decorations. The Blessing Fund put the word out and a beautiful tree and a full array of decorations were donated so that the Father had a Christmas tree for his children to decorate and enjoy.. He was incredibly grateful for the generosity, giving him hope for the Christmas season. The father has recently started attending a church and his life has been changed with a new found joy.
This year, The Blessing Fund sponsored three families who were in difficult circumstances, due to job loss and health problems that left them unable to make ends meet or purchase gifts for their children. The Blessing Fund provided each family with gift certificates that enabled them to shop for their children on their own. Knowing these children would have gifts on Christmas morning under the tree, was a real blessing.
This year end giving from The Blessing Fund to help these families has exhausted our funds, By the time Christmas season approached, The Blessing Fund had a balance of $22.00 . We are not a large charity with only a small regular donation revenue on a yearly basis, yet we make a big impact in the lives we touch. All other funds have been raised through an urgent fundraiser campaign. When we have the funds readily available to help urgent needs though out the year, then we don't have to lose valuable time to do a new fundraising campaign. Your monthly support would make it possible for The Blessing Fund to efficiently help urgent needs as they arrive. Please consider becoming a monthly partner. Any amount is a blessing because working together is the best way to make a difference.
Unto the least of these . . . Matthew 25:40
Your gift is tax-deductible. Become a monthly partner or give a one time year-end gift. Get Started!
August 2022 / March 2023
Among the many requests for assistance with small things such as groceries and utility bills, The Blessing Fundraising events have been stalled due to Covid restrictions and this has been a difficult year for many. Our donors were able to help a woman who was immigrating from Cameroon Africa. She left behind her husband and four young children, to establish a job and a place to live for her family, before they also immigrate to Canada. With nothing but her personal possessions, she rented an unfurnished room. She would arrive with no bed to sleep on, and no other bedroom furniture that we consider the comforts of home. The Blessing Fund took care of her needs, in addition to assisting her for 3 days to help her get a bank account, a Canadian cell phone and phone number, and bus pass,
UPDATE MARCH 2023: The husband and 4 children are traveling to Canada in March 2023 to join with her. They will have need of home furnishings and mattresses (you can no longer buy a "used" mattress.) Your donation makes the difference. Donate Today
More Blessing Stories below
Little Alice's Feedpump
Alice was our largest need and it was urgent. We raised $2200 because this little child needed a new feed-pump. The Mother and Grandmother were out in a park. Alice's feed-pump was inside of a nap-sac, hanging from her stroller. Someone snatched the nap-sac, perhaps assuming that it contained a wallet or other valuables. The nap-sac was never recovered. Without the feed-pump, it would be difficult for Alice to efficiently receive proper nutrition. The funds also provided other needs for Alice, such as additional feed-pump supplies and diapers for Alice. This helped to alleviate some financial burden since they had several other children as well.
read more below . . .
This is Little Alice.
Her Mother was so thankful for the financial help. Little Alice's expenses for care are extremely high. They could not request a new feed-pump covered by disability since a new feed-pump was only covered every 4 years. The feed pump that was stolen was less than 4 years old. The Blessing Fund held a Fundraiser and the generous donors made it possible for Little Alice's mother to purchase a new feed pump so that she could continue receiving efficient nutrition and alleviate some of the financial burden for the family..
Fallen Ankles
An elderly lady on a Senior's pension was in need of custom orthotics to properly align and support her ankles so that she could walk. We provided $575 for custom orthotics that enabled her to stand up straight for the first time in a long time.
The Blessing Fund helps in difficult circumstances. Consider a one-time gift or becoming a 100 Mile Partner by giving monthly to The Blessing Fund.
Blessing Stories
Utility Bills
The Blessing Fund helped a family in need who ran a small business. Their bank accounts were frozen by the government in the middle of a financial crisis. The funds we provided helped them with their current utility bills so that they continued to have heat and electricity while they resolved the issues with their small business.
A woman who was homeless, was approved for government housing. She had very little but her possessions had been destroyed by bedbugs and roaches. Other furniture she had was broken down. Through the assistance of an independent Christian men's organization, we were able to facilitate her with furniture (in Like-new condition) and groceries that were appropriate for her needs.
A Place to Stay
A family in the middle of waiting for disability approval for one spouse, had no income and were evicted from their apartment. Now staying in a hotel room, the Blessing Fund provided funds for food that was convenient to cook in a microwave in the hotel room while a church covered the expense of the hotel accommodations.
A Ride to Work
The Blessing Fund was able to raise funds for a single Father who needed car repairs. He had shared custody of his child and would lose his custody if he was not able to meet the shared custody agreement requirements. The funds we raised enabled him to repair his vehicle so therefore continuing his share of custody and did not lose the agreed custody time with his child.
More Blessing Stories
There are so many other stories that we could share. These are just some of the circumstances where The Blessing Fund was able to bless others through kind generous donations from people like you!
Give Today
There are always urgent needs and we often have to turn away some requests for help. We require applicants to pursue other community organizations first. This has helped to ensure that your donation goes to the most urgent in extra-ordinary circumstances, when help can't be found elsewhere. The Blessing Fund is often people's LAST CHANCE to get the help they need. Please consider helping us be prepared by donating monthly. This will enable us to meet urgent needs because funds will be readily available to meet urgent needs within 24 hours. Any one time gift is also extremely appreciated and on reserve should an urgent need arise.